The 16th Zhejiang International Fresh Logistics & Cold Chain Cold Storage Technology Equipment Exhibition 2025
時間:2025年7月4日~6日 地點:中國·寧波國際會展中心
Date: July 4~6, 2025 Venue: Ningbo International Exhibition Certer
網址/ Web:www.gcfbe.com
指導單位丨Guidance unit
全球冷鏈聯盟| Global Cold Chain Logistics Alliance
國際冷藏倉庫協會丨International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses
中國食品工業協會冷凍冷藏食品專業委員會丨Refrigerated and Frozen Foods
Committee of China National Food Industry Association
主辦單位丨Hosted by
承辦單位丨Organized by
上海展窯展覽服務有限公司Shanghai Kilnexpo Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd.
協辦單位·Co-organizer by
冷王·英格索蘭丨Thermo King
上海鄭明現代物流有限公司丨Shanghai Zhengming Modern Logistics Co., Ltd.
上海九曳電子商務有限公司丨Shanghai Jiuye Electronic Commerce Co.,Ltd
支持單位丨Supported by
中國凍品聯盟|China Frozen Foods Alliance
越南漁業水產協會丨Vietnam fisheries and Fisheries Association
泰國冷凍食品協會丨Thailand Frozen Food Association
歐洲冷庫與物流協會丨European Association of cold storage and logistics
上海冷鏈協會丨Shanghai Cold Chain Association
廣東省冷鏈協會丨GuangDong Cold Chain Association
上海東方國際水產中心丨Shanghai Oriental International Fisheries Market
■展會概況| Exhibition Overview:
With the improvement of China's economic level and consumption capacity, as well as the increasingly developed fresh e-commerce, more and more high-quality seafood, dairy products, meat products, fruits and so on have entered the people's table.The global demand for cold chain is increasing. Marked by fresh e-commerce, the fresh agricultural products and cold chain food industry are booming, providing a huge space for the development of food cold chain, The cold chain industry, represented by meat and products, seafood, frozen food and dairy products, is on the track of upgrading.In 2021, the market scale of cold chain logistics industry reached 4,773 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.01%. In 2023, the market scale of China's cold chain logistics industry will exceed 6,486 billion yuan.In 2023, the total amount of cold storage in China was about 10,323 million tons. A series of policies and regulations on the development of cold chain logistics industry issued by relevant departments have greatly promoted the development of domestic cold chain logistics industry and escorted the rapid and sound development of the industry.
the implementation of the "The Belt and Road national strategy, making cross-border cold chain operations have become increasingly frequent, the rise of mobile Internet, and spawned a rise fresh, cold chain delivery; in recent years, the rapid development of fresh business enterprise, fresh food distribution industry has been highly concerned about the government and the industry.China's fresh e-commerce industry as a whole maintained a steady growth trend. In 2021, the scale of China's fresh e-commerce market reached 18.2%, reaching 3,117.4 billion yuan, and is expected to rise to 4,198.3 billion yuan by 2023. In the future, with the development of domestic cold chain logistics and the rise of new retail e-commerce model, China's fresh e-commerce market is expected to continue to expand.According to experts predict that China's fresh electricity supplier market has nearly one trillion yuan of potential, is known as China's electricity supplier next billion market.
With the support of the state's industrial policy, domestic and foreign capital giants have entered the field, and the demand for fresh cold chain distribution market is huge in the next five years. Zhejiang International Fresh Logistics & cold chain cold storage Technology Equipment Exhibition 2025 will be held in Ningbo,China, the size and the number of exhibitors new exhibition will be further improved, and more focused on fresh cold chain logistics platform to build the whole industry chain, focus on the introduction of Refrigerated refrigerating equipment, Fresh electricity, cold storage engineering and cold chain logistics four theme areas; and to the Zhejiang International Seafood Exhibition 2025, brought together more than 30 national exhibition groups and professional audience, exhibited a total size of 60,000 ㎡. A professional platform to create Internet plus wisdom all cold chain solutions!
■同期活動|Concurrent Events(籌劃中):
China's Seafood and Cold chain Logistics Innovation Development peak BBS.
Internet plus fresh and cold chain development forum
A Bite of Seafood-Introduction and Tasting Meeting of Seafood
Fresh Distribution Industry Summit Forum
為推動水產行業與冷鏈物流可持續健康發展,召開了“2024年中國水產海鮮與冷鏈物流創新發展高峰論壇”,展開豐富多樣的主題演講,深入探討商業創新模式、前沿技術應用和上下游發展格局。正大食品、九曳供應鏈、上海鄭明、英格索蘭、西克制冷、中糧萬威客、永輝、上航實業、雙匯、光明食品、獐子島、上海水產集團、千味央廚、上海海洋大學食品學院、廣東鄉谷村、麥金地集團、乾洋水產、巴奴毛肚、金文食品、快行線、上海錦江國際低溫物流、新天天、首農集團、鏵暉信息、程祥冷鏈、上海領鮮、京東物流、上海開利運輸、武漢漢歐、浙江統冠物流、青島京昌順、江蘇省餐飲協會、廣州輝源機械、北京京隆偉業、上海盛琍發、俏碼頭、東方水產中心、順豐冷運、源甲蔬菜、長興島漁港、小屋生鮮、大京食品、南通綠海、上海養吉、酒食酒、江蘇裕灌、上海田野、泰國Boonyakeat、萬潤國際、食珍坊、餐幫幫、南京彈指鮮生、北京饞火爐魚、迪士尼度假區、驚石農業、更加好、雅泰隆、富谷集團、華英、蜀海、聯華超市、正域農業、好慶友、珠海嘉業、江心州海鮮城、杭州尋鮮、青島海爾、聯海實業、船之皇、中漁大洲、啟丞海洋、亞峰肉類、太易檢測、美感邦、海南陸僑、錦江飯店、寧夏商務廳等嘉賓與代表出席了本次峰會。FLCE CHINA
■展品范圍|Scope of exhibits:
Cold chain logistics and distribution services
Refrigerated refrigerating equipment
Refrigerated transport equipment
Precooling and purification works
Cold storage and cold storage engineering
Cold chain storage and handling equipment
Cold chain information system
Cold chain monitoring system, temperature and humidity recorder, sensor
Fresh processing, fresh-keeping and packaging technology
Fresh electricity supplier
Freezer display cabinet
Integrated refrigeration, materials and accessories
■專業觀眾| Visiting audience:
• 水果和蔬菜、花卉等農產品生產加工流通、生物、食品、醫藥、批發、生鮮電商、零售業;
• 制冷與冷凍冷藏、保鮮設備和技術供應商;
• 倉庫/冷庫業主、高級管理人員;
• 餐飲、酒店、賓館業及大型零售商和批發商;
• 低溫物流航運公司,公路、鐵路、航空運輸,集裝箱公司,倉儲代理,供應鏈解決方案提供商;
• 農產品、食品、醫藥相關協會、疾控中心、大中型醫院后勤采購部門。
• 化妝品、保健品、煙草等加工;
• 大中型機關團體、企事業單位、軍隊等后勤管理部門;
• 農業、食品、商業流通、食品醫藥監管領域相關政府機構
• fruits, vegetables, flowers and other agricultural products production,
processing, circulation, biological, food, pharmaceutical, wholesale, fresh
electricity providers, retail;
• refrigeration and refrigeration, fresh equipment and technology suppliers;
• Warehouse / cold storage owners and senior management;
• catering, hotels, hotels and large retailers and wholesalers;
• low temperature logistics, shipping companies, highways, railways, air transport, container companies, warehousing agents, supply chain solutions providers;
• agricultural products, food and medicine related associations, CDC, large and medium-sized hospital logistics procurement department.
• cosmetics, health care products, tobacco processing;
• large and medium-sized organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions, the army and other logistics management departments;
• agricultural, food, commercial, food, pharmaceutical, regulatory, and other government agencies
■參展費用|Booth Rate:
★ 標準展位: (注:雙面開口加收10%費用)
A.國內企業 12800.00 /展期(RMB) 3m × 3m
B.國外企業 4000.00 /展期(USD) 3m × 3m
★ 室內光地:
A.國內企業 1300(RMB)/平方米
B.國外企業 400(USD)/平方米
會刊廣告:◇封面 25000元 ◇封二 18000元 ◇彩首 12000元 ◇封三 15000元,◇封底 20000元 ◇彩色內頁 8000元 ◇彩色內頁對開 15000元;
◇參觀證 50000元/3萬張 ◇手提袋廣告 50000元/1萬個 ◇門票廣告 20000元/1萬張 ◇條幅廣告 12000元/幅 ◇拱門 18000/個 ◇5米*3米廣告牌 20000/個;
★ 新產品新技術發布會:每場10000元/45分鐘,國外企業 3000.00(USD)
International Exhibitor
• Standard Booths(3m*3m):USD 4,000/9㎡;(Plus 10% for corner booth).
• Raw Space:USD 400/㎡(minimum 36 sq.m.).
• New product and new technology conference: USD 3000/45 minutes
Industry special co organizer $38,000, only 1; CO organizer $28,000, only 2; reception dinner co organizer $20,000, limited to 1 (details see attachment 1, 2, 3).
▉參展程序| Exhibition Procedure:
2.填寫《參展申請表》郵寄至組織單位。展位執行 “先申請,先付款,先安排”的原則;
2.fill in the application form for exhibition, mail to the organization. The principle of "first application, first payment, first arrangement";
3.Within one week after the Booth Application,Exhibitors will cost [50% (deposit) or full payment] by telegraphic transfer or pay to the organization ,the balance paid before in June 1, 2025. After remitting the expenses, the exhibitor will send the bank remittance email to the exhibition organization.
Organizing Committee of The Zhejiang International Fresh Logistics & Cold Chain Cold Storage Technology Equipment Exhibition 2025
聯系人:習經理177 6511 0324(華東)
李經理134 3988 0025(華北)
楊 生137 1049 1808(華南)
電話:86-21-6840 5229
QQ: 274402319
International Division:
Contacts: Jimmy
WeChat: 13482165724
E-mail: sales@kilnexpo.com